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The Center for Congregational Song Programs

For Singing


A Cappella Sunday

Mar 1, 2020

For 2025’s “A Cappella Sunday” details and resources, click here. What: A Cappella Sunday is when worshiping communities across...


Coffee & Hymns

Mar 28, 2019

Join Center Director Brian Hehn on the first Tuesday of each month at 9AM Eastern to sip on coffee...

The Center for Congregational Song, Brian Hehn, Coffee and Hymns, Coffee & Hymns, Hymns

Hymn Society Conference

The Hymn Society’s Annual Conference is the premier conference focusing exclusively on congregational song in the U.S. and Canada....

Paperless Song

Music That Makes Community One of our partner organizations, MMC is doing wonderful work in “developing and teaching a...

Congregational Song, Singing, Paperless, Djembe

Free Workshops

Deborah Carlton Loftis Ambassadors Program We collaborate with university and college music departments to provide their students with workshops...

Brian Hehn, Free Singing Workshop, Congregational Singing, Center for Congregational Song, Ambassador

Hymn Festivals & Singing Events

Upcoming Opportunities to sing together at free Hymn Festivals and Singing Events: Advent/Christmas Season 2020 – Park, Porch, and...

Other Worship Conferences

Other Conferences Below is a list of organizations and events that we know who provide both a significant amount...

Circle Singing

Circlesinging can be described lots of ways – vocal improvisation, vocal jamming, add-or-change-a-part, vocal orchestra, voicestra, a drum circle...

Sing! The Center For Congregational Song

Jewish Song Leading

If you are interested in the history and/or current song repertoire within Jewish faith communities, check out “Let My...

Connecting you to resources, creating meaningful conversation,

and supporting hymn/song-writers.

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