Congregational Song Podcasts
Below is a list of podcasts that we are aware of that specifically address congregational song in a way that is not specifically tied to a publisher or record company. The staff of The Center for Congregational Song has vetted these podcasts and feel they represent our guiding stances.
Voices United – A Congregational Song Podcast
Hosted by Hymn Society president-elect Dr. Ben Brody, this is the official podcast of The Center for Congregational Song. It focuses on 1-on-1 interviews with leaders in the field of congregational song from a wide variety of traditions and styles.
Open Your Hymnal
Hosts Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert interview composers and leaders since Vatican II. Most episodes explore a specific song that has been influential in Roman Catholic congregational song over the past fifty years by interviewing the composers, text-writers, and publishers of that hymn.
Worship Nerds Podcast
“We’re connecting contemporary worship leaders with contemporary worship research.”
WorshipLab Podcast
Based out of First Baptist of Houston, Texas, this podcast is grounded in practical conversations about weekly worship leading. Hosts Sam Jones and Michael Brady invite guests from a wide range of experiences to share their insights, wisdom, and humor.
The Antioch Podcast
Based out of Madison Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, this podcast was started to provide “where leaders of diverse congregations can have conversations about the intersection of faith, worship, leadership and race.”
The Worship Podcast
Geared towards an audience who primarily uses CCLI Top 100 songs with a stage and lighting, this podcast explores both practical aspects of worship leading with a band and evangelical worship culture in general.
Beyond Sunday Worship Leader Podcast
With over 200 episodes, hear from various leaders on songwriting, spiritual self-care, worship-leading best practices, and more.