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Congregational Song Retreat

November 16, 2019 @ 9:00 am 5690 Oak Leather Drive
Burke, VA 22015-2236 United States

Hosted by Burke Presbyterian Church in Burke, Virginia, this free half-day retreat will explore a variety of congregational song genres, delve into a theology of music-making in the church, and give people time and space to plan their Spring (Lenten and Easter) music. Join us as an individual or a team. The retreat will be facilitated by Director of The Center for Congregational Song, Brian Hehn.

The planning retreat will be based around a presentation on identifying a congregation’s “Heart Songs,” the functions of a church choir, and guided activities to help participants begin to dream, vision, and plan for their Spring 2020 worship seasons and services.



Saturday, November 16, 2019



9AM to 2PM



Burke Presbyterian Church, Burke, VA



Free! (free-will offering will be collected to cover cost of lunch and snacks)

RSVP Required. Email Lucinda Sexton at lucindasexton@gmail.com to reserve your spot.


Need More Information?

Contact Lucinda Sexton at lucindasexton@gmail.com

Brian Hehn, Center Director, Retreat


Event Location