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Veterans Day Hymn Festival


In collaboration with the Center for Sacred Music at Virginia Wesleyan University, we are excited to be singing together this Veterans Day. The festival, “In Times of Trouble, O God of Peace,” will include a hymn written during World War I, great hymns of the faith, and some new hymns written about God’s kingdom of peace. We hope you’ll join us for this festival of song in which we’ll pray and sing together.


Date, Time, & Location

4PM on Sunday, November 11th, 2018

Wycliffe Presbyterian Church, 1445 N. Great Neck Road, Va Beach  (ph: 757-496-2620)


Festival Leader

Brian Hehn song leading, Brian Hehn, Hehn, Centered in Song, Center for Congregational Song, The Hymn Society, New Orleans, Brooklyn, Let Justice Roll Down, Improvisation

Brian Hehn is an inspiring song-leader equally comfortable leading an acapella singing of “It Is Well” as he is drumming and dancing to “Sizohamba Naye.” Experienced using a variety of genres and instrumentations, he has lead worship for Baptists, Roman Catholics, United Methodists, Presbyterians, and many more across the U.S. and Canada. He received his Bachelor of Music Education from Wingate University, his Master of Sacred Music from Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, and is certified in children’s church music (K-12) by Choristers Guild. He has articles published on sacred music and congregational song in multiple journals and co-authored the book All Hands In: Drumming the Biblical Narrative, published by Choristers Guild. While working for The Hymn Society as the Director of The Center for Congregational Song, he is also Associate Director of Contemporary Music at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore, Maryland, and adjunct professor of church music at Wingate University in Wingate, North Carolina. Brian lives in Baltimore, Maryland, with his wife, Eve, and son, Jakob.




The “Centered in Song” launch tour for The Center for Congregational Song is coming to Brooklyn! Join organist, composer, and master song leader Mark Miller for a day celebrating the importance and power of congregational song. There will be sessions on justice in music-making, introducing The Center for Congregational Song, and a closing hymn festival. Come join in the song!


Mark Miller, Composer, Organist, Centered In Song, Brooklyn, NY, Center for Congregational Song, Let Justice Roll Down

Mark Miller believes passionately that music can change the world. He also believes in Cornell West’s quote that ‘Justice is what love looks like in public.’ His dream is that the music he composes, performs, teaches and leads will inspire and empower people to create the beloved community.
Mark serves as Assistant Professor of Church Music at Drew Theological School and is a Lecturer in the Practice of Sacred Music at Yale University. He also is the Minister of Music of Christ Church in Summit, New Jersey.

Hymn Writer, Poet, The Hymn Society, Congregational Song, Singing, Let Justice Roll Down, Centered in Song, Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn NY

Jacque Jones has been writing in various forms all her life and in recent years has taken up the challenge of writing hymn texts. Her hymn text collection Songs Unchanged Yet Ever Changing was published in 2015 by GIA. Jacque has been a member of The Hymn Society since 2003, and is currently serving as its Immediate Past President, having served previously as Treasurer and President. A native of Texas, Jacque lives in New York and is an active member of the laity at Plymouth Church in Brooklyn Heights.

Ana Hernandez is a composer/arranger, workshop facilitator, author, and mischief maker. She works with people to create beautiful liturgies in many different styles; from early music to contemplative, to drummy and participatory. She facilitates deep and meaningful conversations using the Art of Hosting modalities.

Brian Hehn is the director of The Center for Congregational Song.






































The Hymn Society’s Annual Conference, the premier congregational song conference each year in the U.S. and Canada, has opened registration. Speakers include Ysaye Barnwell (formally from the ensemble “Sweet Honey On The Rock”), David Bailey (founder of Arrabon), and Cuban hymnologist Amos Lopez. Hymn Festival leaders include Ysaye Barnwell, Paul Vasile (Executive Director of Music That Makes Community), Urban Doxology, and more! Check out the full conference website here:

Make sure to check out all our other events here!



Come join Director of The Center for Congregational Song, Brian Hehn, and some of the nation’s top voices on worship as we introduce participants to all that new Center for Congregational Song has to offer, including our ground-breaking Resource Connection Tool. For $35, you’ll get to spend the day with Chuck Fromm of Worship Leader Magazine, Leaders of United Adoration, Wheaton Faculty including Tony Payne and John William Trotter, and Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary’s Center for Music and Worship in the Black Church Experience Advisory Committee Member, Dr. Alisha Lola Jones.


8:30AM – Check In

9AM – Greeting from Dean Michael Wilder & Round Tables Discussions Hosted by Conference Clinicians

10AM – Chuck Fromm on the borderlands between diverse practices of music and worship

11AM – Plenary Address – Dr. Alisha Lola Jones

Noon – Lunch (included in registration price)

1:30PM – Brian Hehn on The Mission of The Center for Congregational Song

2:15PM – Coffee Break

2:45PM – John William Trotter on Improvisation, Choral Music, Congregational Song

3:45PM – Closing Hymn Festival – John William Trotter and friends

4:30PM – Dismissal

5:30PM to 7:30PM – Optional Dinner, location TBD (Pay on your own)




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