The Center for Congregational Song staff is working hard along with volunteers from across the U.S. and Canada to put together the final details for the “Centered In Song” launch events for 2018. Spring 2018 events include two February events in Chicago (Wheaton & Park Ridge), an April event in Washington D.C., and a Canadian event in Ottawa, Ontario. Clinicians will include some of the most talented song leaders and influential worship leaders from across the U.S. and Canada.
Along with the “Centered In Song” launch events, there are also other opportunities to learn about The Center and to sing with us. A January Ambassadors Program at the University of Arizona in Tucson, our display booth at the Calvin Worship Symposium, multiple ACDA Divisional Conferences where we’ll present interest sessions, and the Montreat Music and Worship Conference in June.
While all this is happening, we’re also planning many exciting updates and improvements to our Resource Connection Tool, continuing to write challenging blog posts, and launching our podcast!
With so many appearances and initiatives, it’s going to take a village to accomplish everything! We’re so grateful for everyone who’s chipping in to present for us, plan these gatherings, and for the generous financial support of the Christ Is Our Salvation (CIOS) foundation that is making this all possible. We’ll see you in 2018!