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Pastor Song Workshops

Pastor Song Workshops

Pastors of small churches are often the only staff member for their churches (or multiple churches in many instances). In these types of ministry settings, it often falls on the pastor to not only preach and preside, but also plan the liturgy and organize or even lead the music. While seminary education in the U.S. and Canada often prepares pastors well for preaching and other pastoral duties, it does not prepare them well for the task of leading congregational song. We believe that by providing some basic skill-building sessions for pastors in these types of calls, we can help them encourage and enliven their congregations’ song.

We are currently seeking opportunities for 2019 to meet with small groups of pastors serving small churches that would like to learn how to better encourage and enliven their congregations’ song. If you would like to have The Center for Congregational Song provide a pastors’ song workshop in 2019, please email with the subject line “Pastors’ Song Workshop.”

Pastors’ Song Workshop Opportunities

  • Presbytery/ Conference/Synod/Diocese Clergy Meetings
    • If your local denominational organization would like us to provide sessions for your clergy, your annual clergy meetings are a wonderful opportunity for us to provide a workshop as continuing education.
  • Clergy Retreats
    • If you take part or organize a clergy retreat, a song-building workshop day can be a great way to combine the soul-refreshing activity of singing together with an opportunity to build skills.
  • Clergy Conferences
    • If you are planning a conference designed for clergy (preaching, liturgy, etc.), consider making our song workshops one of the available tracks.
  • Clergy Small-Groups
    • If you have a small group of clergy in your area, invite us to your small-group for a time of skill-building and learning.

Upcoming Opportunities

January 2023 – Online Course: An Introduction to the Church’s Song – An 8 session online course taught by Eric Mathis designed for working pastors and church musicians without a church music degree. Click Here for more information.
