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Copyright Conversations – The Law

Join Center Director Brian Hehn and a panel of intellectual property law experts as they talk about church music and copyright. How does the system work from their perspective? Is it working the way it should?What/Where are the difficulties? What/Where are some opportunities for improvement? Listen in on the conversation live on YouTube: Thursday, […]

Copyright Conversations – Publishers

Join Center Director Brian Hehn and a panel of congregational song publisher staff memebrs as they talk about church music and copyright. How does the system work from their perspective? Is it easy to navigate? What/Where are the difficulties? What/Where are some opportunities for improvement? Listen in on the conversation live on YouTube: Wednesday, […]

Writing the Church’s Song 2022

Richmond Hill 2209 E Grace Street, Richmond, VA, United States

Registration Now Full   Invitation For those who work for the church week in and week out, time away to rest, reflect, and re-inspire is important. Writing the Church's Song is a three-day writing retreat for beginner and intermediate hymn writers. Two exceptional clinicians will challenge, inspire, and guide you as a hymn writer. These […]


Latinx Leadership Connection Program

Corporación Universitaria Reformada Cra. 38 #74 -179, Suroccidente, Barranquilla, Colombia

This program is designed to connect worship leaders of Latin American descent living and working in the United States with worship leaders from across Latin America for a time of shared learning, relationship-building, and inspiration. The faculty will present fully bilingually (Spanish & English) and will represent scholars and practitioners from across Latin America and […]



Corporación Universitaria Reformada Cra. 38 #74 -179, Suroccidente, Barranquilla, Colombia

Este programa está diseñado para conectar a líderes y lideresas de alabanza (liturgia, música) de ascendencia latinoamericana que viven y trabajan en los Estados Unidos con líderes y lideresas de alabanza de toda América Latina para un tiempo de aprendizaje compartido, construcción de relaciones y mutua inspiración. El encuentro será totalmente bilingüe (español e inglés) […]


Free Workshop

Wingate University Wingate, NC, United States

Deborah Carlton Loftis Ambassadors Program Presents: A Church Music Workshop hosted by the Wingate University Music Department.    Saturday, September 7 9 a.m. - noon Batte Fine Arts Center Wingate, NC This is a free workshop, open to Wingate students, faculty and staff and community members. Registration is required (click here to register). Presenters will […]