That’s right…these are carols (new texts set to familiar Christmas Carol tunes) for the Covid-19 pandemic.
*UPDATED 4-2-2020
Watch the full collection including sign language interpretations here:
Introduction & Guidelines
In this time of fear, anxiety, and isolation, the concept of caroling might seem trite, ridiculous, or even inappropriate. We’ll let history decide which of the three it might be. But for my family, it was a way to connect with our congregation members, make music together, and ultimately bring hope and a little bright light into people’s lives as they struggle with social distancing and quarantines.
As is reflected on the last page of this free downloadable collection, if you decide to go #covidcaroling, make sure you follow all the federal, state, and local laws and guidelines. For the most recent CDC recommendations, click here. Here are a few basic guidelines from us assuming you are able to go out in a safe manner:
- Only go caroling with those you’re already in isolation with. People like spouses, partners, children, and other immediate family members or people with whom you share a living space.
- Instead of knocking or ringing a doorbell, you can call the people to get their attention.
- People can open their windows instead of their doors if they’d like.
- You can carol from your car if the street is close enough to their house.
- If you do ring a doorbell or knock, move away before they answer the door. Also use hand sanitizer before and after you touch their doorbell or door.
- Have fun! This is designed to bring a bit of happiness and frivolity into people’s lives.
*UPDATED 4-2-2020